James Corden: The Real Reason I Left “Late Late Show”


James Corden: The Real Reason I Left “Late Late Show”


Peter Cover

It Was My Choice, Not a Sacking!

James Corden has a story to tell, and it’s not what you might think. Despite taking his final bow as the host of the “Late Late Show”, James insists he wasn’t shown the door. Yet, back in his homeland, the UK, folks just can’t wrap their heads around it.

“They Think I’m Lying!” – Corden’s Pub Confessions

Chatting on “Jimmy Kimmel Live!” James shared a slice of his life since moving back to the UK. He and his wife, Julia, decided to return so their three kids could grow up closer to their grandparents. But the Brits? They’re convinced it’s a cover-up for getting the boot from CBS.

Over a pint or two, James has tried to set the record straight. Yet, he finds himself up against a wall of disbelief. “No matter how many times I say it, people just don’t buy it. They say, ‘Come on, you can tell us if you were fired. It’s okay!'”

“A Letter from CBS? Won’t Help!” Says Corden

Jimmy Kimmel humorously suggested James should get a confirmation letter from CBS to silence the skeptics. But James laughed it off, noting that back in the UK, CBS is as foreign as it gets. No letter could change their minds.

Life After Late Night TV: A Whole New Chapter

Leaving the show has been an eye-opener for James. The daily routine, the applause, it was all so normal. Now, he’s discovering what life looks like outside the TV bubble.

Back in the UK, James Embraces New Beginnings

James isn’t sitting still, though. He’s diving into new adventures, including launching his own SiriusXM radio show, “This Life of Mine with James Corden.” It’s a fresh start, and James is more than ready to take it on, skeptics be damned.

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About Peter Cover

Peter Cover, born in 1975 in Asheville, North Carolina, is a famous writer and journalist known for his work on celebrities and fame. He studied at the University of North Carolina and writes about how media and privacy affect famous people's lives.
