Dragon’s Den Drama: Landlord’s “Evil” Heating Gadget Sparks Outrage


Dragon’s Den Drama: Landlord’s “Evil” Heating Gadget Sparks Outrage


Peter Cover

Heated Debate: A Thermostat That Limits Warmth

In a recent episode of Dragon’s Den that has left viewers both shocked and dismayed, entrepreneur Anthony Cherry introduced a gadget that has since been labeled as downright “evil.” Cherry, a landlord with 20 years of experience, particularly with student and holiday homes, presented the Dragons with his TIME:O:STAT invention. This device allows tenants to control their heating but with a significant catch: the heating can only be on for a maximum of two hours at a time. There’s also a “comfort mode” that lasts up to eight hours at a lower temperature, but continuous heating? That’s a no-go.

£80,000 Investment Sparks Controversy

Despite the controversy, Cherry walked away with an £80,000 investment from Dragon Touker Suleyman for a 20% stake in his business, but only after Suleyman gets his money back. This decision left viewers fuming, with many taking to social media to express their disbelief and disappointment. One viewer expressed their disgust at the idea, emphasizing the moral issue at stake and questioning the Dragons’ decision to promote such a concept.

The Problem Cherry Aimed to Solve

Cherry explained his invention was inspired by his experiences as a landlord. He recounted an incident where he found the heating blasting with the windows open in one of his properties on a warm day, simply because the tenants found the existing thermostat too complicated. This led him to develop the TIME:O:STAT, which he claims is a simpler solution to prevent wasteful heating.

Mixed Reactions from the Dragons

Despite Cherry’s pitch, only Suleyman saw potential in the business, while other Dragons like Deborah Meaden and Sara Davies opted out, citing concerns over the product’s cost and the availability of simpler, more affordable alternatives in the market. Cherry’s negotiation with Suleyman was tense, but he ultimately secured the investment he sought, leaving the den with a mix of relief and excitement.

Viewer Backlash and Ethical Concerns

The reaction to Cherry’s product and the Dragons’ willingness to invest in it has sparked a broader conversation about the responsibilities of landlords and the rights of tenants. Many viewers have voiced their concerns over the ethical implications of controlling heating in rental properties, especially during cold periods.

As Dragon’s Den continues to showcase innovative ideas and inventions, it’s clear that not every pitch will warm the hearts of its viewers. Anthony Cherry’s TIME:O:STAT has certainly ignited a fiery debate about innovation, ethics, and the fine line between cost-saving measures and tenant welfare.

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About Peter Cover

Peter Cover, born in 1975 in Asheville, North Carolina, is a famous writer and journalist known for his work on celebrities and fame. He studied at the University of North Carolina and writes about how media and privacy affect famous people's lives.
