True reason Kate Middleton declined Lilibet’s 1st birthday invite – Meghan’s friend mocked her.


True reason Kate Middleton declined Lilibet’s 1st birthday invite – Meghan’s friend mocked her.


Daniel Stone


Princess Lilibet, born after Prince Harry and Meghan Markle moved to Montecito, California, has a very different upbringing from her father’s. Despite being born in the US, her first birthday was celebrated in the UK, though it was surrounded by rumors and speculations.

Celebrations and Royal Absences

Lilibet’s first birthday was notably missing some key family members. Her cousins, Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis, as well as their parents, Prince William and Kate Middleton, did not attend. Although Queen Elizabeth was present, she declined to have her photo taken with Lilibet.

Family Reactions and Tensions

The absence of William and Kate at Lilibet’s birthday caused quite a stir. The relationship between the Waleses and Sussexes was already strained. One of Meghan’s friends even publicly mocked Kate, denying that the strained relations were the reason for their absence.

Lilibet’s Birth Announcement

Harry and Meghan announced Lilibet’s birth on June 4, 2021. She is their second child, with their son Archie born in 2019. The royal family, including William and Kate, congratulated them, but the relationship between the Sussexes and the rest of the family remained tense.

Lilibet’s First Meetings with Royal Family

Lilibet finally met her great-grandmother, Queen Elizabeth, and then-grandfather, Prince Charles, during a picnic at Frogmore Cottage. However, no pictures of these meetings were released to the public. Queen Elizabeth had forbidden any photographers, aiming to keep the gatherings private.

The Queen’s Reluctance

Reports suggested the Queen was wary of being photographed with Lilibet, fearing the images might be used for purposes she didn’t approve of. Royal expert Phil Dampier noted that the Queen’s health was fragile, and she didn’t fully trust Harry and Meghan after their interview with Oprah Winfrey.

Meghan’s Friend Criticizes Kate

Actress Garcelle Beauvais, a friend of Meghan, criticized Kate Middleton for skipping Lilibet’s birthday celebration, calling it “shady.” Beauvais questioned why the future king and queen couldn’t adjust their plans to attend.

Harry’s Desire for Family Reconciliation

Royal biographer Tom Quinn stated that Harry is deeply upset about the rift, not only between him and his brother but also the lack of relationship between his children and their cousins. Harry hopes for a resolution so the cousins can grow up knowing each other.

Lilibet’s Third Birthday

Lilibet’s third birthday on June 4, 2024, was a more subdued affair compared to her previous celebrations. The family held a pre-birthday bash at their Montecito home, with close friends and family in attendance.

Meghan’s Reflections in Nigeria

During a recent visit to Nigeria, Meghan shared new insights about Lilibet. She revealed that Lilibet’s favorite activities are singing and dancing. Meghan also reflected on a touching moment with her daughter, emphasizing their deep connection.

Keeping the Children Out of the Spotlight

Harry and Meghan have decided to keep their children, Archie and Lilibet, out of the public eye. However, they occasionally share updates, like in their Netflix series, where fans learned Archie has an American accent.

Princess Lilibet’s life is a blend of royal legacy and a quieter upbringing away from the intense scrutiny of the British press. As she grows, her parents continue to protect her privacy while navigating their complex relationship with the royal family.

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