Stone’s “Sliver” Claims Backfire: Baldwin Hits Back Hard!


Stone’s “Sliver” Claims Backfire: Baldwin Hits Back Hard!


Peter Cover


In the latest scandalous event from Hollywood’s history of drama, Billy Baldwin has answered Sharon Stone’s explosive claims about their time working together on the 1993 movie “Sliver” with a fierce response.

Hold on tight, because this trip down Hollywood’s memory lane is going to be very windy. During a recent podcast, Sharon Stone dropped a bombshell: she said that the late director Robert Evans suggested she sleep with Baldwin in order to improve their on-screen chemistry.


You read that right. Baldwin is not going to take this lying down, though. He wrote on social media with anger and a hint of “are you still not over me?” to make it sound like Stone might be the one feeling things that weren’t being returned.

Baldwin’s second point is good. He says Stone had a crush on Baldwin that was so strong that she told Janice Dickinson about how it was making Baldwin’s head spin with love.

What a mess! What a mystery! Hollywood’s stories that don’t happen on screen never let you down, do they? There’s more, though. Baldwin also told an interesting story about a meeting with Evans in which Evans reportedly begged Baldwin to plan one last sex scene so that he wouldn’t have to kiss Stone.

What a surprise! There’s still more back and forth. Stone has been hinting for years that she would reveal the name of a “scummy” director. By naming Evans, she has stirred things up like a pro. Stone said that she was to blame for how badly she did in the movie because she wouldn’t work with Baldwin, which could have “saved” the movie. Stone even brought up Michael Douglas as a more professional option, which was a subtle dig at Baldwin.

Now, let’s take a moment to think about how ridiculous these claims are. If going out with someone off-screen was all it took to make them work together on-screen, wouldn’t every movie be a huge hit? Baldwin’s snarky comments also add a high school drama element to the whole thing.

What about Janice Dickinson’s part in the story? Worth a lot. She doesn’t remember this story, which makes the plot even more complicated.


Claims, rejections, and a bit of forgetfulness make up this story. It looks like a script for a Hollywood movie. Their fight over a movie from decades ago is a perfect example of the strange world of show business, where truth and fiction are hard to tell, egos meet, and the past is never really gone.

Finally, it’s clear that Hollywood’s off-screen drama is often more interesting than what we see on screen, whether you support Baldwin, Stone, or just enjoy the show from afar.

It looks like “Sliver” will always be linked to this strange story of claimed seduction, rejection, and professional rivalry. It’s just another day in the strange world of star fights, the big picture.

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About Peter Cover

Peter Cover, born in 1975 in Asheville, North Carolina, is a famous writer and journalist known for his work on celebrities and fame. He studied at the University of North Carolina and writes about how media and privacy affect famous people's lives.
