Restaurant Is In Big Trouble After Putting These “Offensive” Signs On All The Tables


Restaurant Is In Big Trouble After Putting These “Offensive” Signs On All The Tables


Daniel Stone


Customers at Corralito Steak House in El Paso, Texas, felt upset when they came to the restaurant hungry for a big meal. Instead of a warm welcome, they saw a sign that offended their intelligence and their country.

During the pandemic, all restaurants worked hard to stay open. Corralito Steak House thought its problems were different from others. But lack of staff has been common across the United States since the economy fell apart under President Trump in 2020. Millions lost their jobs and became homeless during the worst pandemic the world has seen in over a hundred years.

One customer took a photo of the sign placed by Corralito Steak House near the dining tables. The sign told diners that the restaurant did not have enough staff and asked for patience.

It also blamed the government for making it hard to serve food, ignoring the government’s help through the Paycheck Protection Program. This program gave the restaurant thousands of dollars to keep workers employed.

The offensive message read: “Sadly, due to government handouts, no one wants to work anymore. Therefore, we are short-staffed. Please be patient with the staff that did choose to come to work today, and remember to tip your server. They chose to show up to serve you.”

After the sign was shared widely on social media, reporters from Texas’s KTSM 9 News contacted the steak house for comments. The restaurant stayed silent, hoping the issue would fade and people would stop noticing their insulting message to customers.

Making things worse, Corralito Steak House in El Paso received $1,000,000 from the government through the Paycheck Protection Program. Veronica Frescas was the first to see the offensive sign and decided to take action. According to a June report by KTSM, Frescas took a picture of the sign and shared it on social media so people would see that the steak house was acting hypocritically.

“I know many of us are frustrated, but there was a better way to say something,” said Frescas. “We are still all together, and this message did not seem very El Paso strong.”

People who commented felt it was rude that the restaurant took government money while blaming the government. They also criticized the restaurant for expecting customers to tip instead of paying workers a fair wage. Some suggested the steak house should pay employees enough to live on, instead of relying on tips to make ends meet.

Business owners in Texas know that restaurants like Corralito are struggling to compete with national chains. However, Leo Duran from the Texas Restaurant Association believes that businesses need to increase pay to stay competitive.

“If you want to survive, you need to compete, and wages are the basic thing employees care about,” Duran said. “We are trying to recover from the pandemic; let’s get back on our feet and return to work.”

The restaurant has not yet released a statement about the viral sign. We will update this story once they respond. Meanwhile, share your thoughts about the sign and Corralito Steak House’s decision to display it in the comments below.

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About Daniel Stone

With an impressive 8 years of experience, Daniel Stone has established himself as a prolific writer, captivating readers with his engaging news articles and compelling stories. His unique perspective and dedication to the craft have earned him a loyal following and a reputation for excellence in journalism.
