Charming Charger: Uncommon Foal’s Astonishing Face Patterns Wow Audiences.


Charming Charger: Uncommon Foal’s Astonishing Face Patterns Wow Audiences.


Daniel Stone


A Surprising Discovery

When Scott and Jackie Nelson first saw Coconut, they were amazed. They couldn’t believe such a unique horse was a native of Melbourne, Florida.

Coconut’s Early Fame

Over three million people have marveled at Coconut’s beauty. The Nelsons recorded her at just two days old to share her unique appearance with the world.

First Outdoor Appearance

At two years old, the couple, who run a ranch called Down Under Colour, took Coconut outside for the first time on camera. They breed horses and were excited to show Coconut’s unique features.

The War Horse Legend

According to a YouTube description, Coconut is also known as a War Horse. She has rare markings that make her special. In Native American culture, War Horses were revered and ridden by chiefs or medicine men, traditional and spiritual leaders.


Unique Markings of a War Horse

To qualify as a War Horse, a horse must have one blue eye with liner around it and a shield on their chest. This blue eye, known as a Sky Eye in Indian mythology, has a significant meaning.

The Sky Eye’s Significance

The Sky Eye is believed to carry the spirits of the Chief and Medicine Man to their gods if they die in battle. This explains why Coconut is so special and unique.

Watch Coconut

You can watch Coconut in the video below. If her beauty strikes you as much as it did the Nelsons, please share her story.

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About Daniel Stone

With an impressive 8 years of experience, Daniel Stone has established himself as a prolific writer, captivating readers with his engaging news articles and compelling stories. His unique perspective and dedication to the craft have earned him a loyal following and a reputation for excellence in journalism.
