Optical illusion shows hidden number – not everyone sees the same


Optical illusion shows hidden number – not everyone sees the same


Daniel Stone


Optical illusions are famous for their puzzling nature. They push our eyesight to its limits. Currently, a special optical illusion is making waves on the internet. It has left most viewers baffled, even though it seems straightforward.

The Optical Illusion with a Hidden Message

Optical illusions come in many forms. Some ask you to find a mistake. Others hide the answer in plain sight. This illusion belongs to the latter category. It tests your sensitivity to contrasting colors.

The Illusion Test

At first glance, this illusion seems simple. But the longer you look, the more you see. The real answer confuses most viewers.

Image Credit: Benonwine | Twitter

Take a look at the optical illusion. Do you see a number? If so, what number?

The Challenge

This illusion has gone viral on Twitter. It appears simple, but it’s more challenging than it looks. A striped grey and black circle hides a number. Can you see the entire number?

Understanding Contrast Sensitivity

This illusion tests your contrast sensitivity. This is the ability to distinguish an object from its background. In daily life, it’s important for tasks like driving in foggy weather or low light. During these times, the contrast between objects and their background is reduced.

Viewer Responses

Can you spot all the digits? Here are some responses from viewers:

“I can only see 528. Does that mean anything about my eyesight?”

  • @CookieLousie

“I see 528 with glasses and 45283 without… I can’t read a screen without glasses however.”

  • @Techn0phobe

“45283…and what’s the catch? Should I book an appointment with my GP?”

  • @PhilippeAuclair

Most viewers saw 528 or 45283 at most. But the real answer is surprising.

The Answer Revealed


The actual answer is 3452839 – a seven-digit number. Most people saw the numbers in the middle, where the contrast was highest. As you move away from the center, the contrast diminishes. This makes the digits on the edges hard to see. But if you squint, you might catch a glimpse.

If you managed to see all the digits, you have exceptional eyesight. Share this optical illusion with friends and family to test their eyesight!

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About Daniel Stone

With an impressive 8 years of experience, Daniel Stone has established himself as a prolific writer, captivating readers with his engaging news articles and compelling stories. His unique perspective and dedication to the craft have earned him a loyal following and a reputation for excellence in journalism.
