A Note from the Delivery Guy Made Me Install Security Cameras around My House – I’ll Forever Be Grateful to Him


A Note from the Delivery Guy Made Me Install Security Cameras around My House – I’ll Forever Be Grateful to Him


Daniel Stone


A hasty scrawl on the back of a delivery bag sent me rushing into my backyard, leading to a startling discovery that might have protected my family from an impending danger.

The cryptic message from Dhiren, our usual delivery driver, hinted at a threat that felt far too real, something I couldn’t overlook.

As a single mother, I often resort to food delivery when I’m too exhausted to cook for my children. Over time, Dhiren became more than just a delivery driver; he was someone who exchanged fist bumps with my kids, Liam and Ava, before heading out.

But last Wednesday, something seemed different. Dhiren arrived with an unusually tense demeanor. He handed over the food silently and quickly retreated to his car, leaving me unsettled.

“What’s wrong with Dhiren?” Liam asked, peeking out the window.

“I’m not sure, honey. Maybe he’s just in a hurry,” I said, watching as his car sped down the road.

As I placed the food on the kitchen counter, still pondering Dhiren’s odd behavior, my eye caught a scribble on the back of the delivery bag.

The shaky handwriting immediately grabbed my attention, and once I read the note, food was the last thing on my mind.


My heart pounded as I fought to stay composed for the kids. “Why don’t you two go wash up while I get dinner ready?” I suggested, guiding them out of the kitchen.

As soon as they were out of sight, I darted to the backyard, the message repeating in my head. I approached the trash bins, hands shaking as I lifted the lid of the first one.

Nothing unusual, just our regular waste. But when I opened the second bin, I froze.

Inside, wrapped in a worn blanket, were a set of gloves, a few small tools, and an unmarked bottle containing a strange liquid. A wave of panic surged through me.

“Mom? Are you okay?” Ava’s voice startled me. Quickly, I closed the lid and turned to her, forcing a smile.

“I’m fine, sweetheart. Just checking something. Go on back inside, I’ll be there in a minute.”

Once she was gone, I immediately called the sheriff’s department.

“Sheriff’s Department, this is Dana.”

“Dana, it’s Lucy. I need you to come over right away. I found something alarming in my trash.”

Dana’s tone shifted instantly when I explained what I had discovered. “Don’t touch anything.

I’m heading over. Stay inside with the kids until I arrive.”

After I hung up, a deep unease settled over me. Our neighborhood had recently been hit by a string of break-ins, all involving similar tactics—chemicals used to weaken locks and a careful clean-up afterward.

A chilling thought struck me: my house might be the next target.

“Mom, what’s going on?” Liam asked, noticing my anxiety.

“Everything’s fine,” I reassured him, though the smile on my face felt forced. “Let’s have dinner.”

Just as we started eating, there was a knock at the door. My nerves tensed, but a wave of relief washed over me when I saw Dana standing outside.

“Kids, stay here and finish your food,” I said before stepping out to speak with her.

I recounted everything—Dhiren’s odd behavior, the note, and what I had found in the trash. Dana listened intently, her eyes scanning the street.

“You did the right thing calling me,” she said. “I’ll take a closer look and have the items tested. In the meantime, I strongly recommend you upgrade your home security.

We’ll keep patrols in the area tonight.”

That evening, sleep was out of the question. I stayed up late, researching security systems, jumping at the slightest noise.

By morning, I was jittery from both lack of sleep and too much coffee. At 8 a.m. sharp, I called a security company.

“I need surveillance cameras installed around my home. Today.”

“Ma’am, the earliest we can come is next week—”

“No,” I interrupted, my voice trembling. “Someone is planning to break into my house. I need them now.”

The urgency in my tone seemed to register with the receptionist, who softened her voice. “Let me see what I can do. Can you hold for a moment?”

After what felt like an eternity, she came back with some good news. “We had a cancellation. Our team can be there in two hours.”

The security team arrived, and I paced the house nervously as they worked. Every passing car, every pedestrian suddenly seemed suspicious.

As the crew was finishing, Dana pulled into my driveway, her face solemn.

“Lucy, we need to talk inside,” she said. I sent the kids to their rooms before sitting down with her.

“We got the lab results,” she began. “The liquid in that bottle? It’s a highly corrosive substance, commonly used to weaken locks.”

My stomach dropped. “So, someone was planning to break in?”

“It looks that way,” Dana confirmed. “But you’ve taken the right precautions. We’ll keep patrols in the area, and now you have the security cameras.”

Just then, I saw Dhiren arriving at a neighbor’s house.

“He’s here,” I said, moving toward the window.

“Be careful if you talk to him,” Dana cautioned. “We don’t know if he’s involved or just trying to help.”

I stepped outside to meet Dhiren as he was leaving. He looked uneasy, but I needed to know the truth.

“I’m sorry about the other day,” he said before I could speak. “I noticed some guys hanging around your trash bins.

They didn’t look right, and I wanted to warn you, but I was afraid they might still be nearby.”

Relief washed over me. “So that’s why you left the note?”

He nodded. “I didn’t mean to scare you.”

“Dhiren, you may have saved my family. Thank you,” I said, my voice thick with emotion.

Later that night, after tucking the kids into bed, I sat in front of the new security monitors.

The street was quiet, the yards empty, but I couldn’t shake the feeling that someone, somewhere, was watching—waiting for an opportunity.

Whatever happens next, I know I’m not alone. Dhiren’s quick thinking, Dana’s support, and my own vigilance turned what could have been a nightmare into a lesson in caution and the power of unexpected allies.

All I can do now is stay alert and protect my family.

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About Daniel Stone

With an impressive 8 years of experience, Daniel Stone has established himself as a prolific writer, captivating readers with his engaging news articles and compelling stories. His unique perspective and dedication to the craft have earned him a loyal following and a reputation for excellence in journalism.
