The Most Successful Lie Ever Spread in Human History: The Myth of Endless Progress

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Written by: Robert Feige

Throughout history, humanity has clung to numerous falsehoods, but none has been as pervasive and enduring as the myth of endless progress. The belief that society, technology, and civilization will perpetually advance, bringing with it prosperity, happiness, and justice for all, is a fallacy that continues to dominate our collective consciousness. While progress is undeniable in many facets of human existence, this deeply ingrained narrative masks the cyclical nature of history, the environmental devastation it has wrought, and the illusion of perpetual improvement that often benefits the few at the expense of the many.

The Illusion of Linear Advancement

From the Enlightenment to the Industrial Revolution and into the Digital Age, humans have been conditioned to believe that history is an upward trajectory of increasing well-being, knowledge, and social justice. This assumption is built on selective memory—acknowledging the positives while ignoring the losses. For every medical breakthrough, there is an emerging crisis of antibiotic resistance; for every technological convenience, there is an erosion of privacy. The notion that "things will only get better" disregards the very real risks of collapse, regression, and stagnation.

Progress as a Tool for Exploitation

The idea of perpetual progress has also been weaponized by political and economic elites to justify imperialism, economic inequality, and environmental destruction. Colonization was often justified under the guise of bringing "progress" to less developed societies. Today, globalization is frequently framed as a form of progress, despite the widening economic gap between the wealthy and the poor. The blind pursuit of advancement has led to exploitative labor practices, the erosion of indigenous cultures, and the commodification of human existence.

The Cost of Technological Progress

One of the most glaring oversights of the progress narrative is its impact on the environment. Industrialization, urbanization, and digitalization have all come at an immense ecological cost. The burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, and pollution have propelled climate change to catastrophic levels. Yet, society clings to the belief that technology will always provide solutions, often ignoring the fact that many so-called advancements exacerbate the very problems they claim to solve.

The Perpetual Discontent of Modernity

Ironically, despite unprecedented technological and medical advances, rates of anxiety, depression, and loneliness are at historic highs. Modern consumer culture, driven by the notion of continual progress, has instilled a sense of perpetual dissatisfaction in individuals, as there is always something newer, better, or more advanced to desire. Happiness becomes an ever-elusive goal, tethered to the next innovation or economic growth rather than genuine fulfillment.

Rethinking the Future

If humanity is to create a sustainable and just future, it must abandon the illusion that progress is inevitable and inherently good. We must recognize the importance of balance rather than growth for its own sake. Sustainable development, ethical considerations in technology, and a reevaluation of what constitutes true well-being are essential steps toward a future that does not blindly chase progress at the expense of people and the planet.


The most successful lie ever spread in human history is the unwavering belief in endless progress. While improvement is possible and necessary in many areas, the blind faith in perpetual advancement has led to environmental degradation, economic disparity, and social discontent. Recognizing the limitations of this myth is the first step in building a society that prioritizes sustainability, ethical responsibility, and genuine well-being over the illusion of infinite growth.

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