Mom with over 800 tattoos called a freak – reveals truth about all her tattoos
A mom’s two loving kids still admire her, even though others mock her and call her a ‘freak’.
This woman doesn’t have any natural deformities. She is just covered in “prison style” tattoos from head to toe. She struggles to find a job because of the harsh words she hears every time she leaves her house, yet she keeps getting more tattoos. She admits she’s addicted to it.
Keep reading to learn more about this mom and her role as an example to her children!
Melissa Sloan, 46, from Wales, has no regrets about her long 26-year use of a tattoo gun. She started getting tattoos at 20. Now, Sloan accepts being an outcast, realizing that the more tattoos she gets, the harder her life gets, but she still won’t stop.
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“It’s like when you smoke a [cigarette] or have a drink, you get hooked. I can’t stop now, it’s too addictive for me. I just can’t stop,” Sloan said. After tattoo parlors turned her away for being “beyond help,” she bought her own kit. “I keep the [tattoo] gun in the trunk, I’ll tattoo myself in the car or wherever.”
Even though Sloan can’t land a job due to her tattoos, which are rather messy, her boyfriend still helps her add three “prison style” tattoos weekly. She now has over 800 tattoos.
Sloan mentioned she once cleaned toilets for work, but now she’s turned down for similar jobs.
“I can’t get hired. They reject me. I tried to get a cleaning job locally, but they said no because of my tattoos…People claim I’ve never worked, but I did once, and it didn’t last,” she continued. “However, if someone offered me a job tomorrow, I would take it.”
Besides not being able to work, Sloan faces social rejection. Every time she goes out, she’s verbally abused and ridiculed, with people pointing and staring.
“The worse it gets, the more they label me a freak. They dodge me, and I think ‘why do that?’ It’s terrible,” she said. “I knew this would happen. I can’t blend in because I like being myself, and I’ll always be that way.”
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Moreover, Sloan is now excluded from local bars and even school events involving her two children, who are eight and ten years old. But she doesn’t let it stop her.
“The kids say, ‘mom, they’re staring at you’ and I tell them ‘ignore them,'” the tattoo enthusiast said, noting her kids sense the negative reactions. “They say my kids will leave when they grow up, which is really sad.”
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Sloan also inspires her children to see her as a role model, fostering their interest in body art.
“They got some on their arms last night, and they have school, so they’ll need to wash them off,” Sloan said about letting her kids have temporary tattoos, promising real ones later. “I tell them they’ll have better ones when they’re older.”
Before she got tattoos, she was just an average-looking woman. She posts pictures of her face before tattoos on her Instagram, and she looks completely different now, if you knew her before!
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While there’s nothing wrong with tasteful body art, some might overdo it. Although it’s never fair to judge, it’s understandable why employers might hesitate to have her represent their brand. We hope this woman’s children learn from her experiences so they don’t feel alienated in the future.
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