Michael Jackson’s Company Fights to Keep Private Photos Secret


Michael Jackson’s Company Fights to Keep Private Photos Secret


Peter Cover

No Peeking Allowed!

Michael Jackson’s team is on high alert! They’re making moves to stop Wade Robson and James Safechuck, two men who’ve accused the pop superstar of harming them as kids, from digging into police files for some very private photos. What kind of photos, you ask? We’re talking about shots of Michael Jackson’s private parts!

Courtroom Drama Unfolds

In a legal twist, the company behind the King of Pop has gone to court with a big ask. They want the judge to say “No way!” to Wade and James’ requests to see the police records, which might hold pictures of Michael Jackson in the buff. Why? Because, according to them, these two are on a mission to find Michael’s most intimate photos.

The Battle Over Privacy

This isn’t just about curiosity. Wade and James have taken their accusations to the courtroom, saying that Michael’s staff let bad things happen to them. They first tried to get their hands on these files back in 2017, but got a big “No” in 2018. Now, they’re trying again through their lawsuits against Michael’s company, MJJ Productions.

Why So Secret?

Michael Jackson’s company is standing firm, saying these private photos should stay private. They argue that letting Wade and James get the photos wouldn’t be right or relevant to their case. Plus, they believe Michael deserves his privacy, even after passing away.

The company’s message is loud and clear: “Trying to get these highly private and irrelevant files is totally out of line.”

Documentary Drama

The accusations against Michael took the spotlight in the HBO documentary “Leaving Neverland,” leading to a legal rollercoaster. Although their lawsuits were initially dismissed in 2017, a change in California law has brought them back into play.

The Bottom Line

Now, it’s a showdown. Michael Jackson’s team is doing everything they can to keep those private photos under wraps, fearing that Wade and James might try to make them public. It’s a tense battle over privacy, respect, and the legacy of the King of Pop.

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About Peter Cover

Peter Cover, born in 1975 in Asheville, North Carolina, is a famous writer and journalist known for his work on celebrities and fame. He studied at the University of North Carolina and writes about how media and privacy affect famous people's lives.
