My Husband Insists on Skipping a Fancy Graduation Gift for My Daughter


My Husband Insists on Skipping a Fancy Graduation Gift for My Daughter


Daniel Stone


In the world of finances, some blended families encounter difficulties or find it challenging to ensure equal treatment for all children. For instance, Maria wanted her daughter to receive the same consideration as her stepdaughter, which led her to contemplate buying an expensive graduation gift. However, her husband disagreed, asserting that it was his money and recommended a more budget-friendly option. Maria felt discouraged and turned to an online forum for guidance.


Here’s her account:

“I planned to get my daughter a $2000 graduation present. It seemed fair because last year, my husband of 12 years gave his own daughter a $2000 gift for her graduation.

But he said, ‘You don’t work, and this is my money! Ask her father to pay or choose a cheaper gift!’ He also added, ‘I don’t think it’s my responsibility to buy her a gift with my own money in the first place; it should be you or her dad.’

My husband said that fully aware that I would never ask my ex-husband to help me purchase a gift for our daughter. We’re not on good terms, and it would be humiliating for me to ask him. So, I had no option but to get a smaller gift for my daughter.

On graduation day, my stepdaughter approached me and said, ‘I will not let your daughter feel like she’s being treated unfairly. What my dad did is wrong!’

She then handed me a small box, and when I opened it, I was astonished to find a piece of jewelry similar to what her father had given her last year and what I had intended to buy for my own daughter.

With tears in my eyes, I embraced my wonderful stepdaughter. However, I still can’t forgive my husband for treating me and my child this way. He’s been raising her for the past 10 years, and his actions broke my heart.”

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About Daniel Stone

With an impressive 8 years of experience, Daniel Stone has established himself as a prolific writer, captivating readers with his engaging news articles and compelling stories. His unique perspective and dedication to the craft have earned him a loyal following and a reputation for excellence in journalism.
