Freak Badminton Incident Claims Life of 6-Year-Old Girl – Desperate Cry for Help


Freak Badminton Incident Claims Life of 6-Year-Old Girl – Desperate Cry for Help


Daniel Stone


A New Jersey family is mourning the tragic loss of their 6-year-old daughter, Lucy Morgan. The accident happened while the family was on vacation in Limerick, Maine.

The Incident

Lucy was watching her family play badminton when a racquet broke. A piece of metal from the handle snapped off and struck Lucy in the skull, causing a severe brain injury.

Immediate Response

Lucy’s father, Pastor Jesse Morgan, shared the heartbreaking details on his blog, New Creation Living. He explained that on June 1, what started as a normal vacation day turned into a nightmare. Lucy was immediately unresponsive but still breathing after the accident. Her mother, Bethany Morgan, accompanied her to a small hospital before Lucy was airlifted to Maine Medical Center in Portland.

Medical Efforts

Upon arrival at the hospital, Lucy underwent emergency surgery. Doctors removed part of her skull to relieve pressure and address her injury. Despite their efforts, Lucy’s condition remained critical. Jesse Morgan wrote about the slim chances of her recovery on his blog.

Lucy’s Faith

Jesse shared that Lucy had recently expressed a desire to be with God. Just a month before the accident, she asked her parents about being saved. After a brief conversation with her mother, Lucy prayed in her room to God, asking for forgiveness and expressing her belief in Jesus’ death and resurrection.

Final Days

Despite medical efforts, Lucy never recovered. Jesse wrote about the devastating reality of her condition and the lack of brain function. The family held onto hope, seeking second opinions and praying for a miracle. However, the signs of brain death were evident.

Support and Condolences

Lucy passed away around 4 am on June 5. The family has received overwhelming support from their community. People shared kind words on social media, and a former professor of Jesse, Dan Cruver, spoke highly of him in a Facebook post. A GoFundMe account was created to support the family, surpassing its original goal and nearing $130,000 in donations.


A Community United

Organizer Jill Anthony wrote about the GoFundMe page, stating it serves to provide financial support for meals, lodging, medical costs, and whatever else the family needs. She updated the page to inform donors that Lucy had passed away and asked for continued prayers for the Morgan family.

The outpouring of love and support highlights the impact Lucy had on those around her. The Morgan family continues to be surrounded by a caring community during this incredibly difficult time.

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About Daniel Stone

With an impressive 8 years of experience, Daniel Stone has established himself as a prolific writer, captivating readers with his engaging news articles and compelling stories. His unique perspective and dedication to the craft have earned him a loyal following and a reputation for excellence in journalism.
