My Mother in Law Blames Me for Cheating on Her Son, DNA Test Says She’s the Cheater

My Mother in Law Blames Me for Cheating on Her Son, DNA Test Says She’s the Cheater
Kevin Jackson Avatar
Written by: Kevin Jackson

My mother-in-law, Georgia, glared at me with contempt. "You are a wh-" she began, but Hans quickly cut her off.

"Mother! You will not address my wife this way. Say sorry immediately!" he commanded following the massive drama his mother had created.

Georgia and my father-in-law, Manny, had visited to properly meet our baby for the first time since the hospital birth. They'd only caught a glimpse of him in the delivery area, as we'd requested family give us space to connect and adjust to our wonderful new reality as a trio.

After four weeks, we welcomed visitors. It was now Georgia and Manny's turn, and despite their good behavior at the hospital, I felt anxious. My mother-in-law had never been fond of me, and seemed to enjoy criticizing me constantly.

I couldn't prevent their visit, especially since others had already shared photos of my baby on social media. Hans extended an invitation, hoping for a pleasant evening.

Something seemed strange the moment she entered our home. I politely offered her time with Hans Jr., but Georgia refused, shaking her head vigorously.

"I knew it. I knew it! I knew it! I knew it!" she repeated frantically.

"What are you talking about, Mom? What's happening?" Hans asked, perplexed, glancing at me as if I might understand, but I was equally shocked by her outburst.

"That baby isn't my grandson! Hans, listen carefully. You're not the father! Barbara is obviously unfaithful! Look at him! His nose is completely different, and his skin tone doesn't match our family!" Georgia continued, causing my composed expression to falter.

"Excuse me?" I responded, insulted.

"Mother! That's absurd! You have no right to make such claims. Barbara has never been unfaithful, and I'm certain this baby is mine. Completely!" Hans defended me, but his mother, red-faced, was just beginning her dramatic performance.

As she started insulting me again, my husband demanded another apology. That's when my father-in-law intervened. Georgia fell silent, allowing her husband to speak.

"Hans, pay attention to your mother. She has special intuition about these matters," Manny suggested calmly. I simply shook my head at him. We'd never had issues before, primarily because he rarely spoke.

DNA Test Revelations

I knew for certain he enabled his wife's behavior. I couldn't tell if he truly believed I had been unfaithful or if he was merely supporting her claims.

"Dad! How can you make such statements? In our home? Directly in front of my wife?" Hans questioned, his voice revealing hurt. He had wanted this occasion to be meaningful, but they had spoiled it with their allegations.

Manny lifted his hands. "There's an easy answer here. Get a DNA test, and we'll discover the truth," he suggested, nodding as if proposing the most logical solution possible.

I remained speechless in disbelief.

"No!" Hans protested.

"YOU WILL GET THAT TEST RIGHT NOW!" his mother shouted after staying quiet briefly, making me jump.

"That's enough. Leave my house. If you're unwilling to meet your grandson, I'm fine with that," I declared before taking my baby to the nursery.

More shouting followed, but Hans eventually forced them to depart. Once the baby slept, I joined my husband in the living room for a lengthy conversation. We decided to limit contact with them until they apologized.

Sadly, my mother-in-law persuaded her relatives that I had cheated and the baby wasn't Hans'. Messages flooded in from everyone. Some demanded DNA verification while others hurled insults at me. Even strangers participated in this harassment.

I eventually collapsed emotionally. The strain became unbearable. I also witnessed my husband's distress whenever my phone alerted us to new messages.

"Let's proceed with the DNA test to silence them all conclusively," I suggested, and we followed through.

As expected, Hans was confirmed as the father, but we needed to invite the in-laws back to share the results.

"These could be falsified. What did you do?" Georgia sneered at me after passing the document to her husband.

"I did nothing. Hans took the baby for testing himself. I wasn't present at all," I explained tiredly.

"Mom, here's the test you requested. I'm the father. Will you now stop this behavior and appreciate your first grandchild?" my husband pleaded, trying to hide his suffering, which I recognized clearly. I detested her for causing this pain but remained polite for his sake.

"Fine," she conceded while keeping her arms crossed, avoiding looking at her grandson resting in the living room crib we had purchased.

Hans's shoulders dropped in defeat as I comforted him with a gentle back pat. Then Manny, after quietly examining the results, finally spoke up.

"Wait a minute, Hans's blood is B+? How did I never know this?" he asked, looking between his son and me. Hans merely shrugged.

Family Secrets Exposed

"I'm not sure," Hans replied.

"Perhaps you forgot or viewed medical records containing this detail," I offered, but Manny now concentrated entirely on his wife. My mother-in-law had fallen silent again, her previous sneer vanished. She appeared flustered – subtly, but noticeably.

"Georgia, why does our son have B+ blood?" he asked deliberately. Hans and I exchanged puzzled glances.

"What's this about? Why is my blood type significant?" Hans questioned his parents, who ignored him.

Eventually, Manny spoke while staring fixedly at his wife's face. "Both your mother and I have O+ blood. It's biologically impossible for you to be B+, yet here," he struck the DNA results with his hand, "it clearly states you are. So I'm asking your mother. Georgia, what does this mean?"

My mouth gaped so widely I thought I might strain a muscle. This scenario was beyond anything I could have imagined. I turned toward Georgia, who gazed quietly at her husband while nervously moistening her lips and fidgeting with her hands.

Finally, she broke eye contact, closed her eyes, and admitted the truth. Hans wasn't Manny's biological child. She had been unfaithful during their marriage with a family friend. Suddenly, everything became clear.

"That's why you accused me, isn't it? You were projecting. You assumed I was as dishonorable as you," I remarked, raising an eyebrow. I felt my husband's hand on my arm. My comment was somewhat cruel and intensified the pain. But my anger was uncontrollable.

Georgia began weeping dramatically until Manny stood up and departed. She hurried after him, and we let them go. They faced numerous issues to resolve, and who would want to interfere?

"Are you alright?" I asked my husband, embracing him from behind.

"I suppose. Well, I'm uncertain how Dad and I will handle this revelation, but at least we won't have concerns regarding our son," he answered, more composed than I anticipated. "Still, it's overwhelming information."

"Indeed, but whatever happens, we'll manage, and you and our baby are all that matters now," Hans added, turning to wrap his arms around me. I rested my head against his chest, processing everything.

Wondering about my in-laws? They divorced, and the entire family discovered why. It was an enormous scandal. Making matters worse, Georgia began dating her former lover – Hans's biological father – and attempted to introduce him to us. They had apparently maintained contact for years, and he knew about his paternity. Incredible, right? But my husband immediately rejected this. We permanently severed ties with her afterward. Manny remained his father. No one else.

Reconciliation and Resolution

Despite enabling his dramatic wife for years, he finally ended their relationship and apologized to us for initially suggesting the DNA test. Everything improved between us. For the present, at least. One can never predict what might unfold within a family.

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