Dad’s Genius Move: How Changing Your Door Screws Can Keep You Safe


Dad’s Genius Move: How Changing Your Door Screws Can Keep You Safe


Peter Cover


When Mariana Harrison got her first home, her dad showed up not just to help her move but to give her a tip that turned heads online. He brought his drill and a simple, yet powerful piece of advice that Mariana couldn’t wait to share on Facebook. The post took off, and now everyone’s talking about it.

The Surprising Truth About Burglaries

Believe it or not, in America, someone’s home is broken into every 18 seconds. That’s almost 200 times in an hour, and a staggering 4,800 times every day! Many think “it won’t happen to me,” but the numbers beg to differ. It’s clear: we all need to pay attention. Luckily, Mariana’s dad had a trick up his sleeve that could make all the difference.

A Small Change for a Big Difference

Here’s the scoop straight from Mariana’s viral post: “Right when I moved into my new place, my dad was there swapping out screws. He shared a security tip I’d never even considered.” She explained that the small screws typically used by contractors just don’t cut it. They’re only half an inch long and a burglar could easily kick the door down.

But here’s the genius part: Mariana’s dad used 4-inch screws instead. These longer screws go through the door frame and deep into the house’s structure, making the door much tougher to break down. No matter how hard a thief kicks, the door won’t give in easily.

Mariana’s message is clear: making a would-be burglar work hard and make noise not only buys you time to protect yourself but also likely scares them off to try an easier target.

It’s Time to Check Your Screws

Mariana’s dad’s advice is a simple but effective way to make your home safer. It’s a quick fix that anyone can do, and it could be the one thing that stands between you and becoming a statistic. So, what are you waiting for? Grab a screwdriver and make sure your home is as safe as it can be!

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About Peter Cover

Peter Cover, born in 1975 in Asheville, North Carolina, is a famous writer and journalist known for his work on celebrities and fame. He studied at the University of North Carolina and writes about how media and privacy affect famous people's lives.
