Cheating Wife Accidentally Livestreams Her Rendezvous on Family’s Smart Home System
After witnessing his wife’s betrayal through his phone’s security app, Jacob devised a plan for revenge so devastating it would leave them shattered. Little did he know, his actions would ripple through the entire family, escalating further when his brother called unexpectedly.
“No, Uncle J! Barbie is married to Ken!” his niece, Mia, giggled, her laughter a rare and precious sound amidst the turmoil. Jacob forced a smile, his emotions teetering on the edge, but he held them back for the sake of his nieces.
Mia and her younger sister, Ella, were playing with him on the living room floor of his brother Liam’s house. Jacob had started visiting every Thursday after work since Mia’s diagnosis. Her liver was failing, and she was on the transplant list.
No one in the family was a match, leaving them reliant on the official waiting list. Thankfully, she was allowed to stay home as long as she rested. Her condition had worsened, leaving her pale and weak most days.
Yet, Jacob’s weekly visits seemed to energize her. His brother Liam and sister-in-law Emma encouraged him to keep coming. Jacob’s wife, Melissa, also supported his efforts, though her work schedule kept her from joining.
Liam had already taken significant time off work and had to return when things stabilized. So, most Thursdays, it was just Jacob, Emma, and the girls at home. Despite the circumstances, Jacob cherished these moments, knowing time with Mia was uncertain.
“Well, Mia, Barbie could have a girlfriend, right? It’s the 21st century,” Jacob teased, grinning and gently poking her stomach.
Ella laughed. “Yeah, a girlfriend!” she chimed in, and they continued playing, debating Barbie’s love life. Jacob used funny voices for the characters, delighting the girls.
Emma walked over, smiling at the scene, grateful for Jacob’s presence. She brought sugar-free lemonade and healthy cookies, mindful of Mia’s diet. Even Ella, just four, understood her sister’s needs and didn’t complain.
“Hey, everyone. Let’s take a break and have some snacks,” Emma said, placing the tray on the coffee table. The girls eagerly reached for the treats, and Emma reminded Mia to eat slowly.
Jacob wished he could take them out for real ice cream, but that would have to wait until Mia found a match. For now, they found joy in these quiet, loving moments.
He could watch the girls for hours, but a notification from his security app interrupted the peace. Melissa shouldn’t be home yet, so he frowned as he opened the app. Something told him to step away.
“Excuse me for a second, Em,” he said, and she nodded. Jacob walked to the kitchen, put in his AirPods, and opened the live stream. At first, he couldn’t comprehend what he was seeing.
His living room, similar to Liam’s, was the scene of something unimaginable. Melissa, who should’ve been at work, was there with Liam, their actions unmistakable. Jacob’s mind screamed to look away, but he was frozen, watching the betrayal unfold.
Finally, he tore his eyes away, staring at the fridge covered in magnets and Mia’s medication schedule. He tried to calm his breathing, but it only worsened. He felt shattered. While he and Emma tried to bring joy to the girls, their spouses were betraying them.
How long had this been going on? Was it the first time? His phone had never alerted him before, even though the cameras had been installed months ago after a series of burglaries.
How could they do this? How could they betray the family like this? They were all close, but Jacob never suspected anything between his wife and brother. His thumb ached from gripping the phone too tightly, snapping him out of his thoughts.
He closed the app, knowing it would save the recording. He didn’t want to watch any more.
“Jacob, are you okay? Do you want something to eat?” Emma asked, startling him.
“Jesus,” he said, clutching his chest and quickly pocketing his phone.
“Sorry,” she smiled.
“No, I’m fine. Just got an email from work,” he lied, forcing a smile. “Let’s get back to the girls.”
They returned to the living room, where the girls were playing again. Jacob put on his best poker face and joined them. Mia soon grew tired and asked for a nap, so he helped Emma before leaving.
As he drove away, Jacob couldn’t resist checking his phone. The live stream had ended, but Melissa and Liam were now in the kitchen, talking and laughing. That hurt more than the betrayal. He had spent the afternoon trying to cheer up Mia while they acted like a happy couple.
It broke something in him. Liam had always been his role model, his hero. Their father and grandfather were great, but Liam was the one Jacob looked up to. He had encouraged Jacob to pursue tech, and now Jacob earned more than him. But they were family. They supported each other.
Jacob would have done anything for Liam, especially with Mia’s medical bills. Their family was tight-knit, raised to always be there for one another. He never imagined his brother could do something like this.
It destroyed his admiration for Liam and his love for Melissa. He wanted a divorce, and he wanted Liam to suffer. But he had to be smart. He couldn’t storm into his house and confront them.
“Revenge is a dish best served cold,” he muttered, quoting “Star Trek.” He had to think carefully. Jacob drove around, stopping occasionally to check his phone.
Finally, Liam left, and Melissa was cleaning up. Jacob checked the time and headed home, parking in the garage.
“Play it cool,” he told himself, nodding as he entered the house.
“Hey, darling. How was your day? How’s Mia?” Melissa asked, smiling from the kitchen.
“She’s fine. Nothing new. How about you? How was work?” Jacob replied, trying to sound normal.
“It was fine. I just got home, so dinner will take a while. Sorry,” she said, looking innocent. Jacob used to love that look, but now it felt tainted.
“No worries. I’ll be in my office. I have some things to check,” he said, walking away. He entered his office, locked the door, and sat at his desk.
He had tried to come up with a plan in the car, but nothing felt satisfying. As he turned on his computer, an idea formed. He accessed Liam’s work files remotely, deleting everything he could find. It wasn’t enough, so he went further, hacking into Liam’s accounts and freezing them.
“It’s not enough!” he muttered, deleting more files and installing a virus to corrupt any backups. The only solution would be a complete system wipe.
The process took an hour, and when Melissa called him for dinner, he felt better. He sat with her, keeping the conversation focused on Mia. But Melissa mentioned something that reignited his anger.
“Your parents are hosting dinner tomorrow. You didn’t forget, right?” she asked.
“Right,” Jacob mumbled. “Sorry, I did forget.”
“That’s okay. I was thinking of doing something nice for Liam and Emma,” she said, making Jacob grip his fork tightly. “What do you think?”
“I don’t know. We could offer them some money,” he suggested.
“Yeah,” Melissa nodded. “I wish there was more. Liam seems so worried. Oh, careful.”
“Sorry,” Jacob said as his fork slipped. He stood to pick it up. “I’m done eating. Plan something special for them on Sunday, but don’t forget Emma.”
“Of course,” Melissa smiled. “I wouldn’t forget her.”
“I’m going to shower,” Jacob said, walking away. The hacking hadn’t been enough. Hearing Melissa’s concern for Liam only deepened his pain. As he showered, he knew he wouldn’t be satisfied until they were exposed.
But how?
Friday night…
The family gathered at his parents’ house. Jacob sat quietly, waiting. Melissa sat beside him, and across from them were Emma and Liam. Jacob seethed inside, knowing what was coming.
His parents, Victor and Marianne, sat at the head of the table, talking about how happy they were to have everyone together. Marianne kissed Mia’s cheek and ruffled Ella’s hair.
Jacob watched the girls, feeling a pang of guilt. They didn’t deserve what was coming, but it was too late. After his shower, Jacob had decided to end things quickly.
“Hey! Are you listening?” Liam’s voice broke through Jacob’s thoughts.
“What?” Jacob asked.
“I need your help. My computer crashed, and the bank froze my accounts. I lost everything. Can you come over later?” Liam asked.
“Sure,” Jacob replied.
“What happened?” Victor asked.
“Everything’s gone, Dad. My boss will kill me if I can’t recover those files. There’s also family stuff, and I need to fix the bank issue. I didn’t have time today,” Liam explained.
“That’s serious,” Marianne said.
“Yeah, but Jacob can help. Hackers can be tracked, right?” Liam asked.
“Maybe you should call the police,” Victor suggested.
“The bank will investigate first,” Liam said. Jacob grew impatient, waiting for the bomb to drop.
“Are you okay?” Melissa asked, leaning closer.
“We can go to Liam’s together,” she said, smiling.
“Fine,” Jacob sighed, checking the time.
Everyone’s phone pinged.
Jacob watched as Liam opened the video, his eyes widening in horror. The rest of the table, except the girls, received the same video and began watching.
“Grandma, what are you watching?” Ella asked. Marianne quickly hid her phone.
“Girls, let’s go eat in my room. Now,” she said, ushering them away but giving Liam a stern look.
Emma looked up, her mouth frozen in shock. “Liam, what is this?” she asked quietly, then turned to Melissa. “Mel, what is this?”
“Emma, it’s not real,” Melissa stammered.
“It’s very real, Emma,” Jacob interrupted. “I saw them on my phone. I sent the video.”
“Liam!” Victor shouted. “What is this?”
“Dad, I…” Liam started, looking at Jacob pleadingly. “Why would you do this?”
“Me? You cheated on your wife with my wife, and I’m the bad guy?” Jacob snapped.
“Jacob,” Melissa tried to speak.
“Shut up,” he snapped. “Our family is dealing with Mia’s illness, and you two do this? IN MY HOUSE?”
Marianne returned, furious. She grabbed Melissa by the hair and slapped her twice. Victor tried to restrain her as she yelled profanities.
Liam stood, trying to explain, but Emma slapped him, her eyes filled with tears. She began hitting him, unleashing her anger.
Jacob sat back, eating his food as chaos erupted. He noticed Mia and Ella watching from the doorway and motioned for them to go back to their rooms.
The ice in his scotch clinked as he swirled his drink. It was Saturday morning, and he hadn’t slept. Melissa had packed and left after the confrontation. Jacob spent the night drinking, toasting his victory.
His phone rang. It was Liam.
“I should’ve known it was you! You did this!” Liam screamed.
“I’m not the bad guy here. YOU CHEATED WITH MY WIFE!” Jacob shouted back.
“MIA IS DEAD BECAUSE OF YOU!” Liam cried. “My daughter! You took her life!”
Jacob froze. “Mia is gone?”
“YES! SHE SAW THE FIGHT! She got worse, and they couldn’t find her medical records because YOU DELETED THEM!” Liam yelled.
“No, that’s not my fault!” Jacob denied. “That’s the hospital’s fault!”
Jacob’s heart sank. “I can fix this!”
“Fix what? THERE’S NOTHING TO FIX!” Liam screamed. “I hope your revenge was worth it.”
The call ended. Jacob sat in silence, the weight of his actions crushing him. He picked up his phone and dialed.
“Rabun County Sheriff’s Office,” a voice answered.
“I have a confession to make,” Jacob said, his voice breaking.