Can you spot the creepy detail in this photo that’s freaking everyone out?

Can you spot the creepy detail in this photo that’s freaking everyone out?
Matt Jones Avatar
Written by: Matt Jones

Can you find the creepy part of this picture that’s freaking everyone out?

Lots of parents like to have professional photos of their family. They hire a photographer, take photos together, and smile for the camera.

Christmas is generally a joyful time, with everyone smiling. Yet, one very scary detail in a family photo is making people online feel very uneasy.

Can you spot it? Don’t worry if you can’t; it’s easy to overlook. Here’s a tip: look to the left of the picture.

If you’ve noticed it, well done! What a strange thing.

If not, look again at the young child’s arm. Specifically, who has their hand on it?

People have several ideas about the mysterious hand.

One idea is that the hand belongs to a ghost. Whether you believe in ghosts or not, it does seem to stir thoughts of the paranormal.

The second idea is more realistic. Some people think that the mother’s arm is showing and that the middle, older child was added to the photo with advanced editing software.

Take another look and see what you think.

Either way, this is really odd and disturbing. We wonder if the family knows anything about this. Whose hand is that?

Please share to hear what your friends and family think.

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