Can This Kid Be the New Johnny Cash?


Can This Kid Be the New Johnny Cash?


Peter Cover


Can you believe a second grader has the voice of a music legend, Johnny Cash?

A boy named Little John brought a crowd to its feet with his rendition of “Folsom Prison Blues,” making it clear that the spirit of Johnny Cash lives on. In a performance in 2008, this little boy showcased a voice strikingly similar to the iconic singer, proving talent knows no age.

Many people claim to sound like famous musicians, but Little John truly embodies this. The audience was mesmerized from the moment he stepped on stage, captivated not just by his voice but also by his charming presence. Dressed in a cute blue button-down shirt and wielding a guitar almost too big for him, Little John was the picture of adorableness.

The young performer confidently introduced himself and his set list. The crowd was initially surprised to hear that a Johnny Cash performance was coming from such a young kid. However, as soon as he started singing, any doubts disappeared. Little John’s voice filled the room, showing off a maturity and skill far beyond his years.

His performance was not just an imitation; it was a heartfelt tribute to Johnny Cash. With each song, he seemed to channel the late singer’s soul, leaving the audience in awe of his natural elegance and musical ability. But the surprises didn’t stop there. Partway through his set, Little John mixed things up, adding his own twist to the songs and sending the audience into an even greater frenzy.

Despite his young age, Little John’s stage presence and vocal prowess were undeniable. He stood there, a small boy with a big voice, commanding the room like a seasoned artist.

This young boy’s incredible ability to bring Johnny Cash’s music to life is a testament to his talent and hard work. As we reflect on this amazing performance, we’re reminded of the power of music to inspire and connect us across generations.


If you’re as moved by Little John’s performance as we were, join the conversation. Share your thoughts, like, and pass this video along to spread the word about this remarkable young talent!

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About Peter Cover

Peter Cover, born in 1975 in Asheville, North Carolina, is a famous writer and journalist known for his work on celebrities and fame. He studied at the University of North Carolina and writes about how media and privacy affect famous people's lives.
