Calvin Harris’ Better Half Rocks Out to Taylor Swift!


Calvin Harris’ Better Half Rocks Out to Taylor Swift!


Peter Cover

When He’s Away, Swift’s Music Will Play!

Calvin Harris and Taylor Swift’s whirlwind romance might have ended years ago, but the echoes of their relationship are still being felt today—especially in the Harris household! Calvin’s wife, Vick Hope, made a hilarious confession that’s got everyone talking. Guess what? She’s a Swiftie through and through, and she’s not afraid to show it!

A Swiftie Secret Revealed

On her BBC Radio 1 show, Vick spilled the beans about her love for Taylor Swift’s tunes. But here’s the twist—she waits until Calvin is out of the house to blast them! It’s almost like her secret little ritual. “The moment he steps out, it’s Swift time,” she joked. Vick assured everyone that a couple of Taylor’s hits are enough to satisfy her Swiftie cravings, but it’s clear she’s having a blast.

How Did This Come Out?

You might be wondering how we even got this juicy tidbit. Well, Vick and her co-host were answering questions from fans during a Q&A segment when the topic of Taylor Swift popped up. It turns out, fans were already sniffing around, curious if Vick was a fan of Taylor’s music, even before she made her big reveal.

The Irony of It All

Remember, Calvin and Taylor were an item back in 2015, but things didn’t end too smoothly. Fast forward to today, and while Calvin might not be jamming out to Taylor’s hits, his wife sure is—when he’s not around, that is.

It’s a funny little twist of fate that even though Calvin and Taylor are no longer an item, her music still finds a way into his life, thanks to his wife. It’s safe to say, Vick’s love for Taylor’s songs adds a whole new layer to the term “irony.”

So, next time you hear a Taylor Swift song, remember, somewhere out there, Vick Hope might just be rocking out to the same tune, with Calvin none the wiser. It’s the little secrets that make life so interesting, don’t you think?

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About Peter Cover

Peter Cover, born in 1975 in Asheville, North Carolina, is a famous writer and journalist known for his work on celebrities and fame. He studied at the University of North Carolina and writes about how media and privacy affect famous people's lives.
