Bruno Mars: The Truth About The $50M Rumor


Bruno Mars: The Truth About The $50M Rumor


Peter Cover

No Big Debt for Bruno at MGM

Despite the buzz, Bruno Mars isn’t drowning in a massive $50 million gambling debt to MGM Resorts. The story that’s been making rounds? Totally not true. TMZ got the real scoop straight from MGM themselves.

MGM’s Got Bruno’s Back

MGM isn’t just clearing the air; they’re rooting for Bruno, big time. They’re shooting down those wild rumors about him owing a fortune in gambling debts, calling the claims absolutely bogus. What’s more, they’re pumped about teaming up with the Grammy-winning superstar again. Sounds like they’re far from having any beef with him over money.

Exciting Collaborations Ahead

MGM is all praises for Bruno, gushing about his electrifying performances and how he draws crowds from all over the world to Vegas. They’re looking forward to more amazing projects with him, like his shows at the Dolby Live and the new Pinky Ring lounge. According to MGM, their bond with Bruno is solid, built on mutual respect, and there’s zero truth to the gossip about any debt.

The Rumor Mill Got It Wrong

Rumors flew this week, claiming MGM had Bruno under their thumb over a supposed giant gambling tab. But MGM is setting the record straight: their partnership with Bruno is squeaky clean, with no hidden dramas. Plus, Bruno’s gearing up for a residency at their resort, proving things are more than okay between them.

Bruno’s Gambling Past

Bruno himself admitted to James Corden back in 2016 that he used to play poker to pay his bills before he hit it big. So, yeah, he likes a gamble now and then. But as far as MGM is concerned, Bruno’s not in any hot water with them. They’re not about to chase him down; he’s all good in their books.

So, there you have it. Bruno Mars and MGM are on great terms, with lots of excitement on the horizon. Those debt rumors? Just a bunch of noise, nothing more.

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About Peter Cover

Peter Cover, born in 1975 in Asheville, North Carolina, is a famous writer and journalist known for his work on celebrities and fame. He studied at the University of North Carolina and writes about how media and privacy affect famous people's lives.
