Baldwin Fires Back at Stone’s Shocking Movie Claims!


Baldwin Fires Back at Stone’s Shocking Movie Claims!


Peter Cover


Billy Baldwin has responded to Sharon Stone’s latest bombshell allegations regarding their previous film effort, “Sliver,” with a curveball. Drama time, everyone!

“Is It Love or Hate, Sharon?”

In a recent podcast, Stone stirred things up by stating that a producer had once advised her to get close to Baldwin in order to improve their on-screen chemistry in the 1993 thriller. Baldwin’s answer? “After all these years, why does Sharon still bring me up in conversation? Is it because she still feels something for me, or is she angry because I didn’t feel the same way?”

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The Storyline Condenses

Baldwin continued after that. He implied that Stone had prepared to make him fall madly in love with her, citing her as saying to her friend, “I’m going to make him fall so hard for me, it’s gonna make his head spin.” Drama warning!

“Legend or Fact?”

In a further shocking turn of events, Baldwin says he once urged a producer not to force him to kiss Stone in the closing moments, raising the possibility that he will reveal more information in the future. Stone, meanwhile, contends that these approaches were unwanted and that there is a greater issue with the way women are handled in Hollywood.

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As the narrative progresses, Baldwin’s confession has undoubtedly given this Hollywood tale a fresh perspective. Will more tea get spilled? Keep checking back!

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About Peter Cover

Peter Cover, born in 1975 in Asheville, North Carolina, is a famous writer and journalist known for his work on celebrities and fame. He studied at the University of North Carolina and writes about how media and privacy affect famous people's lives.
