Sad news about Brad Pitt


Sad news about Brad Pitt


Daniel Stone


In a recent talk, actor Brad Pitt revealed he has prosopagnosia, a rare brain condition often called “face blindness.” Dani Blum wrote in the New York Times about the disorder’s signs, causes, and possible treatments.

Prosopagnosia Signs

Borna Bonakdarpour, a behavioral neurologist at Northwestern Medicine, explains that prosopagnosia means difficulty recognizing faces, not related to color blindness or vision issues.

The NIDDSS states the condition isn’t connected to learning difficulties, vision problems, or memory loss. Blum mentions it differs from simply forgetting or struggling to find the right word.

People experience prosopagnosia in various ways.
Some may find it hard to recognize a close friend or family member, while others might not recognize their own reflection. Certain individuals cannot tell faces apart from objects.

Studies indicate that those with prosopagnosia might suffer from long-term anxiety or depression because of feeling isolated and scared.

Blum points out that some people avoid family and friends, fearing they won’t connect or value them. She adds that prosopagnosia complicates everyday social interactions.

Pitt told GQ he struggled to recognize faces for years before being diagnosed with prosopagnosia.

In a 2013 Esquire interview, he mentioned he often had to isolate himself because recognizing faces was difficult. “So I stay home,” he explained.

What Causes the Problem?

Most individuals with prosopagnosia are either born with it or acquire it later.

However, up to one in 50 people might develop the condition, and scientists think it could be hereditary. Blum states that research shows congenital, or lifelong, prosopagnosia is less common.

Andrey Stojic, the Cleveland Clinic’s general neurology director, says children with the condition don’t show any obvious brain structure issues. Since those born with prosopagnosia have no brain damage, doctors are unsure of the cause.

Prosopagnosia that appears later in life might result from brain damage due to trauma or head injury. Bonakdarpour mentions that strokes and Alzheimer’s disease can lead to prosopagnosia.

Are There Treatments for Prosopagnosia?

Currently, prosopagnosia cannot be cured, according to Bonakdarpour. However, the problem can be managed. People with the condition usually try to recognize others by focusing on features like voice, walking style, or hair color.

Neurologists typically diagnose the condition using a series of tests that assess memory and face recognition skills. Blum adds, “It can take a long time because doctors often want to ensure that face blindness isn’t a sign of a more serious degenerative brain disease.”

It’s noteworthy that many people with the condition, like Pitt, never get an official diagnosis. Stojic explains that many of the issues he describes are common for individuals with prosopagnosia.
“It might be quite disabling for some,” he said. “Others find it hard to understand.”


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