7 year old swims for an hour to get help for dad and sister stranded in river

7 year old swims for an hour to get help for dad and sister stranded in river
Kevin Jackson Avatar
Written by: Kevin Jackson

A brave seven-year-old youngster is being celebrated as a hero after swimming for 60 minutes to secure assistance for his relatives when they became trapped in a waterway. According to remarkable accounts, Chase Poust was spending time with his dad, Steven, and four-year-old sibling, Abigail, at the start of Memorial Day weekend on Friday, May 28. The trio took a vessel to the St. Johns River close to Mandarin Point in Jacksonville, Florida, and secured it. Their intention was for Steven to enjoy some angling while his two kids swam close by.

However, the flow was more powerful than Steven had anticipated, and soon seven-year-old Chase observed Abigail – who was donning a flotation vest – had been dragged away from the vessel.

"The flow was so intense that my sister — she typically stays at the rear of the boat — and she released her grip. So, I released the boat and grabbed her, and then, I was trapped," Chase explained in a special conversation with news station WJXT.

Chase lacked a flotation vest but released the boat to try and aid his sister. Steven also plunged into the water attempting to catch his daughter, but she kept drifting away.

Steven told News4Jax: "I expressed my love for him because I wasn't certain what would happen. I attempted to remain with both of them. I depleted my energy. She floated away from me."

Chase, despite being scared, managed to swim to the bank, changing between dog paddle and back-floating to ensure he didn't become too tired to keep his face above water. In total, the young boy swam against the current for an hour until reaching dry ground. From there, he hurried for help.

Steven recounted: "I called for assistance loudly and waved my arms and fortunately someone heard us. The little guy also reached the shore and got help, which saved our lives."

Steven and Abigail were saved sixty minutes later with assistance from the Sheriff's Office and Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, having floated a mile from their vessel.

During a media briefing, Jacksonville Fire and Rescue Department representative Eric Prosswimmer stated: "We had every resource we could possibly have coming quickly and we're happy to report all three have been found, and all three are doing fine. We couldn't hope for a better result."

What a narrow escape! Thank goodness little Chase could swim and get the desperately needed help. Parents, always use extreme care when on water with children. Situations can change instantly, as shown here.

Share this story on Facebook to caution others about the risks, and to commend Chase for his bravery.

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